Ferry and Campsite Vehicle Information
Ferry companies and campsites may ask you for vehicle dimensions, weights and registration numbers. This page provides the information you will require.
Registration Numbers
We do not assign registration numbers to a hire until quite close to the hire date. Campsites and ferry companies expect this and will allow the registration number to remain blank on the booking screen. Calmac allow you to leave the vehicle registration number blank and ask that you enter make, model and dimensions to the best of your knowledge.
Some providers, including Calmac will have a check box to allow you to say that no registration number or vehicle info is known, and some have a box that you can tick to say it is a hire vehicle. See example below
Each vehicle in our fleet has a dedicated specification page on our website. On this page it will include make & model information along with weights and dimensions. This will provide all you need to know to complete the request for vehicle information. Follow the links below according to the vehicle you have booked.
Premier Compact Motorhome 4 berth
Premier Motorhome 4 berth with fixed bed
Premier Motorhome 4 berth with rear lounge
Premier Motorhome 5 berth with rear lounge
Premier Motorhome 6 berth with fixed beds
Screenshot of Calmac Vehicle information page